quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2009

evaluation of databes quinta feira 10 de dezembro

think that my investigation was successful because I think that it was detailed enough and I learned about what are the modern manuals and the old manuals. It shows music databases and how they work and that made me learn how to do a database. The only thing that I thing I could improved a lot was the design specification because it is very small and didn’t put a lot of information on it. If I needed to do the investigation again I would keep everything the same but I would put more and good important information on the design specification. I think that my design wasn’t successful because I didn’t nearly do anything that I said I would do in my design specification. I think that I needed to put more colour and also more detailed writing’s think that if I would do my design again I would change the three designs and follow my design specification because it would stay better if a follow it. I think my plan was successful because I followed everything it said on it but not on the exact dates because while I was doing the create I started later because Miss Castro gave us a lesson to mess around on access. I think that my create was very successful because it is very attractive and the forms and made very well with great detail and also with a good choice of logos. I think that the tables are not too big or too small but are exactly a good amount of size. If I would do my create again I would only change the songs because the rest is great.

quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2009

1 october 2009

today we were supposed to hand in the investigation but miss gave us an extention for next thursday and i think i am doing well because i am neaarly finishing.

quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2009

24 of sept 2009

today i think it was a good day because i workded well and did i lot of work. I think that i worked quite quickly. I need nyo get finished the investigation for next thuraday.

quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009

10 september 2009

today i was working on learning about acces on a tutorial. i nearly finished the tutorial i was doing the practices

quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2008

27 november 2008

today i have finished my evaluation and all my it project.bye

sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2008

Evaluation 21/11/08

I saw that my investigation took me some time to fininsh because i needed to find accurate explanations for each of the questions but i liked it because i explored the internet.In my plan i took like thirty minutes to finished it but it was still hard because i needed to think very carefully to make a good plan and proove to miss that i am a good worker.In my timeline i took four lessons because i needed to choose the photos accurately and then i needed to choose by saying why i choose one of the two photos and the explanation needed to be very accurate for miss dietrich to understand.In My photo story i thought i would take kind of 5 minutes but i was wrong it took 15 minutes because i needed to correct grammar and i also needed to wait for head sets.Overall on my project i think it went well and i think the grade will be ok but if i could do this again i would be more quick and not finish somethings at the last point and my photo story i could write the french with more detail.